The Village of Minster contracts with the City of St. Marys for the collection and processing of Minster income tax. All questions pertaining to Minster Municipal Income Tax should be directed to (419) 300-3108.
Income Tax Forms - Filing Due Date: April 15, 2025
Tax forms are available on the City of St. Mary's website:
Taxation can sometimes be the deciding factor in locating to a particular community. The Village of Minster's local and county tax levels are particularly attractive. The government is supported by local taxes and a 1.5% income tax. This taxation level is similar to the surrounding communities. Auglaize County also has a 1 percent county permissive retail sales tax. Tax abatements on real personnel are available to businesses depending upon investment.
Taxable value for communities in West Central Ohio is 35 percent of the market value. Specific property tax information can be obtained from the Auglaize County Auditor .
For general information on the general property taxation rates visit the Auglaize County Treasurer .
General Property Tax Rate | (per $1000 taxable value) |
CITY | 0.90 |
SCHOOL | 50.92 |
COUNTY | 12.75 |
TOWNSHIP | 5.7 |
TOTAL RATE | 71.47 |
Total Effective Rate: | |
AGR / RES | $40.925959 |
OTHER | $63.069911 |
Phone: 419-628-3497
Fax: 419-628-1037
Utilities: 419-628-2850