Solicitation Regulations:
- If you are a solicitor, vendor or peddler making face-to-face contact, you must have a permit.
- Permits are obtained from the Minster Police Department.
- A permit is valid for a 6-day period.
- Each solicitor must complete an application and present photo identification at the time of permit application.
- All solicitor, peddler or vendor activity must be performed between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday.
- All solicitors, peddlers, and vendors, which include religious and political candidates making face-to-face contact, must adhere to the Village’s No Solicitors Invited policy.
- Follow this link to see the full text of Minster’s Codified Ordinance
entitled Peddlers, Itinerant Merchants and Solicitors.
Reporting a Soliciting Complaint